• regulates the day-night rhythm
  • lowers blood pressure
  • supports the immune system
  • has a vitamin D-forming effect

The UV radiation on the coast is increased by the lack of horizontal screening and the reflection of the water. This promotes increased pigment formation and vitamin D production. Well-dosed sunbathing, especially at the seaside, improves the skin's appearance, strengthens the vital energy. The well-being is boosted. The soul feels lighter and more exhilarated. In order to be able to enjoy sunbathing in a targeted manner with a positive health effect, this should not be done without competent medical advice. An overdose of sunlight can lead to skin damage.

Hours of sunshine per year: e.g. Island of Usedom 1,906, Cape Arkona 1,825 and Fischland-Darß-Zingst 1,746